28 January 2011

Pantry clean out and some new baskets!

Who doesn't love to add a new basket to their collection, well I certainly do...
My pantry has been very, I mean very neglected lately. Mr Echoes is the cook in our house (I know, I know I am truly blessed to have him), but I still do the shopping, cleaning up after he cooks etc. 
So the other day, the pantry was crying out for a clean out.

As you can see - sorry it is not a great photo but it is full of stuff.  All over the place, no order at all.  I love to have things in order as I feel out of control if there is STUFF ALL OVER THE PLACE!

I cleaned out everything and stacked it on the bench.  I threw out all the out of date items, some things dating back to 2007!  You know those sauces and items you always think you will use but never do!  I had 3 bags full of rubbish, I recycled as many bottles and cans as I could.

I ran out to one of my favourite stores, Economy Warehouse, and grabbed some new baskets in two sizes and filled those babies with food, packages, herbs etc

Now it looks neat and tidy and I can access things easily, hip hip hooray!  As you can see we keep our microwave in there too.  We don't have much bench space in the kitchen so we had a fantastic idea to put in there, out of the way, it works a treat!

 The baskets are quite sturdy and at $17 each, well worth the buy.  I love the size and colour for all our goodies.

The Tupperware I have had for years,  I used to sell it, way before having children! I love the stuff and have plenty of it and don't need anymore... but baskets, I could always use a new basket!!

How's your pantry looking? Does it need a clean out, what good ideas do you have to keep the clutter under control?

Take care,

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